John Lennon Wall in Prague: A Canvas of Peace and Expression

John Lennon Wall in Prague covered with colorful graffiti and peace-inspired messages.

Image source Yayimages

The John Lennon Wall in Prague is a colorful and iconic symbol of peace and artistic expression, attracting visitors from around the world, and it is just one of the many De største turistattraktioner i Prag. John Lennons væg er et af Prags mest fotograferede steder, men musikeren har aldrig besøgt byen. 

Hvorfor er denne velkendte, graffitibeklædte mur dedikeret til en kunstner, der aldrig kom til hovedstaden? Hvorfor har Prag en John Lennon-væg? Læs videre for at finde svarene på alle disse spørgsmål samt flere oplysninger om dette mærkelige og elskede sted.

This vibrant monument, located in the scenic Mala Strana district, has grown from a basic graffiti-covered wall to a continually changing canvas that helps visitors from all over the world convey personal inscriptions, quotes, and photographs, resulting in a living work of art that is continually changing and evolving. From love confessions to political declarations, the wall allows people to express their views and feelings in public.

John Lennon, en af de største musikere nogensinde og en af grundlæggerne af det banebrydende Liverpool-band The Beatles, har været en figur i fredsbevægelsen lige siden 1970'erne. vægmalerierne om John Lennon. Hans tragiske død styrkede hans omdømme i hele den turbulente koldkrigstid. Byen Prag var ikke anderledes. I dag er John Lennon Wall in Prague, with its distinctive combination of history, art, and activism, is an important site for people looking for inspiration and understanding in a chaotic world.


En kort historie om John Lennon-muren i Pragvæg-peace-prague-farverig-graffiti

John Lennon Wall in Prague

John Lennon’s Wall in Prague, Czech Republic has been around since the 1980s when communism in Czechoslovakia was at its peak. While the people of Prague were yearning for liberation and transformation after John Lennon’s untimely demise in 1980, his call for harmony and solidarity struck a chord with them. The principles and lyrics of John Lennon served as inspiration for a new generation of Czech artists, who took to the wall to convey their hopes for a better society through brilliant graffiti and murals.

Som navnet antyder, er John Lennon-væg er bare en bymur dækket af skiftende graffiti. En mur, der tillader ytringsfrihed, er inspireret af John Lennon og er ikke beskyttet på nogen måde.

I 1980 dræbte lejemordere det tidligere medlem af The Beatles i New York. Efter en berømt musikers ulykkelige død begyndte folk over hele verden at protestere mod regeringen med forskellige slogans, hvoraf nogle blev vist på en afsondret mur i Prag.

Lennons arbejde blev, sammen med flere andre vestlige kunstneres, forbudt af de kommunistiske myndigheder i både Central- og Østeuropa på grund af hans ikoniske status som en figur i solidaritetsbevægelsen. Selv i det kommunistiske Tjekkoslovakiet under Gustáv Husáks regering blev hyldest til friheden ikke vel modtaget.


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The authorities whitewashed the wall multiple times, but the graffiti just resurfaced, turning it into a potent symbol of resistance. Messages and pacifist paintings continued to be a cause of annoyance for the administration from 1980 onward. The statements he left behind were a mix of Lennon and The Beatles song lyrics and motivational and activist slogans for global peace. For many younger Czechs, Vægmalerierne om John Lennon i Prag var et personligt tegn og markerede begyndelsen på en opvågningsperiode.

Det er derfor, at området i 1980'erne blev kendt som John Lennon-vægEn levende hyldest til sangerens arv og et sted, hvor folk kunne udtrykke deres overbevisning om vigtigheden af emner som fred, økologi og sammenhold gennem graffiti. Tourists and artists from all over the world flock to the John Lennon-væg since the Velvet Revolution in 1989 when it became a symbol of liberation and creativity. The Knights of Malta continue to maintain the wall as a living memorial where people can pay tribute to Lennon’s dream of world peace by leaving their marks.

I dag kan alle sætte deres aftryk eller statement på denne særegne væg.


Vægmalerier om John LennonJohn Lenon

John Lennon

Hvad er der på John Lennon-væggen? Den vægmalerier om John Lennon bliver hele tiden opdateret med nye malerier, sætninger og andre former for kunstneriske udtryk. Af samme grund som det fungerer som en platform for åben dialog, er det blevet udnyttet af selvpromoverende grupper.

I anledning af Earth Day den 22. april 2019 spraymalede medlemmer af miljøgruppen Extinction Rebellion for eksempel et stort kranium og budskaber om klimaforandringer på en væg.


John Lennon-muren, hvor er den?

The John Lennon Wall can be found in Prague’s Malá Strana (Lesser Town) area, near the famed Charles Bridge. It’s located on Velkopřevorské náměstí, near the French Embassy. Malá Strana, is a bohemian neighborhood west of the renowned Vltava-floden i Prag.

Velkopřevorské Náměstí er den nøjagtige gadeadresse for Vægmalerier om John Lennon i Prag. Det tjekkiske storpriorat af Malteserridderordenen ejer Lennon-muren såvel som nabokirken Our Lady Beneath the Chain. Templets usædvanlige navn er en reference til de kæder, der engang hang fra den oprindelige Judith-bro, som forhindrede ubeskattede både i at passere under den og få adgang til floden.



The best way to get to the Lennon Wall location is through:


Just a quick stroll (approximately 5 minutes) west of Karlsbroen will get you to the wall. After you cross the bridge heading towards Malá Strana, take a left into Lázeňská Street. Proceed to Velkopřevorské náměstí by following the signs or by checking a map.

Offentlig transport

To reach the Malostranské náměstí stop, you can use tram lines 12, 15, 20, or 22. It is around a 5 to 10 minute stroll from there.

For those taking the metro, the Malostranská stop is on Line A, the green line. It takes about ten to fifteen minutes to walk from that point afterwards.

Personal car

Parking in the heart of Prague can be a real pain. If you need to park, there are public lots close by, and you may walk to the location.

Bike or scooter

Many visitors to Prague choose to rent bikes or scooters. Malá Strana is a good place to park if you’re riding a bike.

Writings on the wall often touch on universal themes like equality and human rights, while also offering messages of love, optimism, and social change. Everyone is welcome to leave their mark, which will guarantee that it is always evolving. 


john-lennon-wall prague

John Lennon Wall panoramic | Image source Yayimages


The Ever-Changing Art of the Lennon Wall

What distinguishes the Lennon Wall Prague, Czech Republic is its constantly evolving nature: new artworks and inscriptions are added to it every day, while old ones are painted over or replaced. It features bright John Lennon imagery, themes influenced by the Beatles, and themes of freedom and peace. Every time you visit, you’ll see something new, whether it’s professional artwork or your own doodling.

John Lennon’s Wall in Prague, Czech Republic has been around since the 1980s when communism in Czechoslovakia was at its peak. While the people of Prague were yearning for liberation and transformation after John Lennon’s untimely demise in 1980, his call for harmony and solidarity struck a chord with them. The principles and lyrics of John Lennon served as inspiration for a new generation of Czech artists, who took to the wall to convey their hopes for a better society through brilliant graffiti and murals.

The authorities whitewashed the wall multiple times, but the graffiti just resurfaced, turning it into a potent symbol of resistance.

Tourists and artists from all over the world flock to the John Lennon-væg since the Velvet Revolution in 1989 when it became a symbol of liberation and creativity. The Knights of Malta continue to maintain the wall as a living memorial where people can pay tribute to Lennon’s dream of world peace by leaving their marks.


Cultural Impact of the John Lennon Wall in Prague

Den John Lennon Wall Czech Republic is a cultural icon that captures the city’s artistic and social vitality. It is a dynamic area for creative expression, displaying vivid, continually evolving artwork and messages of peace, love, and freedom. The wall promotes inclusion in art and helps Prague’s image as a center for creativity and collaboration.

Socially, it represents resistance to oppression, having originated as a protest location during the Soviet era. Today, it continues to bring together locals and guests, addressing global issues and establishing connections. The Lennon Wall is still a living tribute to Prague’s tenacity, ingenuity, and unwavering devotion to freedom and unity.


Besøg John Lennon-muren

Stop ved John Lennon-muren, næste gang du er i Prag. Efter at have været vidne til vægmalerier om John Lennon Praha, Gå over til John Lennon Bar (Hroznová 495/6), hvor du finder masser af memorabilia fra Liverpool-artisten og andre britiske legender. Her serveres traditionelle engelske retter, og der er en hyggelig have.


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