Golden Prague at Žofín Palace: An Embrace of Elegance

Golden Prague at Žofín Palace

Making plans for the Golden Prague, to be held at Žofín Palace in Prague from September 20-23, 2023? Brace yourselves, residents and guests, to bask in the golden glow of artistic expression and heritage, for the Golden Prague festival is almost here!

To help you make the most of your time in the captivating Czech capital, we have combined our top suggested accommodation alternatives (for any price!) and other helpful recommendations into one handy guide.

Music and Art in prague
Music and Art in prague

About the Golden Prague Festival 2024

The 60th annual Golden Prague Festival will be place in the Czech capital in September 2023, and it will be a remarkable celebration of music, art, and the city’s eternal vitality.

In addition to being a memorable experience, a visit to Žofín Palace is a time travel adventure, a tribute to artistic diversity, and a celebration of Golden Prague’s unyielding spirit.

Visit the festival’s official website to learn more about the festival and to catch its spirit, significance, and entrancing experiences it delivers.

Why Prague?

Regardless of who you are or what brings you to Prague, the city is sure to impress and provide a memorable atmosphere for your trip.

Beautiful scenery, including the city of Prague and the mighty Vltava River, complement the palace’s entrancing interiors on Slovansk Island. The natural beauty of the setting complements the elegance of the castle, making it a remarkable location for any event.

Where to stay when you attend the Golden Prague Festival 2024

Top High-range Hotels near the Golden Prague Festival 2024

Mid-range accommodation close to the Golden Prague Festival 2024

Budget-friendly stays near the Golden Prague Festival 2024

While in Prague…

Check out the city’s best attractions:

Prague Castle

Charles Bridge

Old Town Square


Dancing House

Lesser Town

Museum of Communism

Evening Cruise

Drink and dine like a local near the Golden Prague Festival 2024

  • Pivovar U Medvídků
  • Chapeau Rouge
  • Klášterní Pivovar Strahov
  • U Zlatého Hada
  • Restaurace Mlejnice

Things to remember when attending the Golden Prague Festival in 2024

Getting around

The most effective ways to get around Prague are on foot or by taking advantage of the city’s excellent public transportation system.

On foot

Walking the streets of Prague will allow you to soak in all of the city’s attractions. Put on some comfy shoes and make your way through the city’s must-sees, as most prominent tourist attractions are within walking distance of one another!

By subway

The metro system in Prague is regarded as one of the greatest in the world. The metro in Prague is a must-see. It is clean, inexpensive, efficient, and simple to use. To prevent fines, remember to validate your ticket before using it!

Click here to see all of the various ticket options and fairs.

Keep an eye on your belongings.

Prague is an extremely safe city. Pickpockets, as in any big city, do exist.

But there’s no need to be concerned. All you have to do is keep an eye on your possessions, especially in crowded areas.

Here are some recommended measures to follow in order to keep your belongings safe:

  • Wear your bag in front, never in back 
  • Don’t carry valuables in your back pockets 
  • Avoid wearing purses and bags with no zippers
  •  If people walk up very close to you, accidentally bump into you, or try to distract you, grab a hold of your belongings 
  • Most importantly, pay attention! Pickpockets typically target simple targets, such as inattentive persons. You’ll be fine if you keep a close check on things and avoid any discomfort.

Last thoughts

Church of Saint-Guy
Church of Saint-Guy

Make time for spontaneous activities and leisurely strolls!

We understand that there is a lot to see and do in Prague and that the temptation to see it all might be overwhelming. However, one of the best ways to discover a city (or any city!) in our opinion, is to leave some of your time unplanned.

Step into a bar for a beer, enter that shop that sparked your curiosity and settle on a seat near a plaza to watch the city unfold. Taking in the mundane of a place is arguably the best way to genuinely enjoy it!

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