Hotels and Activities Near the ICEMAN Conference 2024

ICEMAN Conference

Are you planning to attend the International Conference on Economics and Management (ICEMAN) in Prague on August 21, 2023? The International Conference on Economics and Management is preparing to host academics, researchers, students, and working professionals to kick off debate on any subjects linked to economics and management, so put on your best suit for the ICEMAN conference is almost here!

To help you make the most of your time in the enthralling Czech city, we’ve compiled a list of our top recommended hotel options (at any price!) and other useful suggestions into one handy guide.

Night in Prague
Night in Prague

About the International ICEMAN Conference 2024

The ICEMAN conference promotes a comprehensive grasp of contemporary economics and management through its wide range of themes, distinguished presenters, and international attendance. Participants in Prague are helping to shape the future of economic theory and the art of management in a rapidly changing global world as they work together to untangle the knots in these domains.

To get the most up-to-date and reliable details about the ICEMAN 2023 conference, which will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, we advise you to visit the conference’s official website

Why Prague?

Prague is the perfect location for any tourist in quest of an unforgettable adventure, regardless of the reason for their visit.

A city as artistically rich as Prague is a fitting location for the ICEMAN conference. Prague provides the perfect setting for developing creativity and intellectual conversation because of its illustrious past, extensive art collection, and stunning architecture. Not only do attendees of this conference take part in thought-provoking conversations, but they also get to experience a city that gracefully blends the past with the modern.

Where to stay when you attend the ICEMAN Conference 2024

Top High-range Hotels near the ICEMAN Conference 2024

Mid-range accommodation close to the ICEMAN Conference 2024

Budget-friendly stays near the ICEMAN Conference 2024

While in Prague…

Check out the city’s best attractions:

Prague Castle

Charles Bridge

Old Town Square


Dancing House

Lesser Town

Museum of Communism

● Evening Cruise

Drink and dine like a local near the ICEMAN Conference 2024

  • Lavička Pivní Bar
  • Café Louvre
  • Naše maso
  • Havelská Koruna
  • Restaurace Mlejnice

Things to keep in mind while attending the ICEMAN Conference 2024

Moving around

The best ways to move around Prague are on foot or by using the city’s superb public transportation system.

By foot

Walking through Prague’s streets will allow you to take in all of the city’s attractions. Put on some comfortable shoes and wander among the city’s must-sees; most major tourist attractions are within walking distance of one another!

Taking the metro

Prague’s metro system is recognized as one of the best in the world. The Prague metro is a must-see attraction. It is clean, cheap, efficient, and easy to use. Remember to validate your ticket before using it to avoid fines!

Click here to see all of the available tickets and fairs.

Keep a watch on your possessions.

Prague is a very safe city. Pickpockets exist, as they do in any large city.

But there’s no need to worry. All you need to do is watch your belongings, especially in crowded places.

Here are some precautions you should take to keep your stuff safe:

  • Never wear your luggage in the back. 
  • Keep valuables out of your back pockets.
  •  Avoid carrying purses and bags that do not have zippers. 
  • Grab hold of your possessions if others approach you too closely, inadvertently bump into you, or try to distract you. 
  • Above all, pay close attention! Pickpockets usually target easy targets, such as inattentive people. You’ll be alright if you keep an eye on things and prevent discomfort.

Final Thoughts

View of Prague
View of Prague

Make time for unexpected activities and strolls!

We recognize that there is a lot to see and do in Prague, and the temptation to see everything might be overwhelming. However, we believe that one of the best ways to learn a city (or any city!) is to leave some of your time unplanned.

Step inside a bar for a beer, go into that shop that piqued your interest and find a seat near a square to watch the city unfold. Taking in the banal is possibly the best way to truly experience a location!

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