Best Accommodation Choices for the ICFMPM Conference 2024

Mathematics ICFMPM Conference

Planning a trip to the International Conference on Frontier in Modern Physics and Mathematics (ICFMPM) on 14th August 2023? physicists, mathematicians, researchers, and enthusiasts from around the globe, it’s time to unite at one of the most captivating and intellectually stimulating events. The International Conference on Frontier in Modern Physics and Mathematics (ICFMPM) is almost here!

Looking for accommodation in Prague? Explore our top recommendations, suitable for all budgets.

About the ICFMPM Conference 2024

The ICFMPM is an esteemed international conference that will take place in Prague on 14th August 2023. This annual event attracts leading researchers, young scholars, and students eager to engage in multidisciplinary discussions at the forefront of modern physics and mathematics. 

The  International Conference on Frontier in Modern Physics and Mathematics (ICFMPM) 2023 provides a platform for sharing the latest research findings, discussing emerging trends, and exploring the challenges and opportunities in these ever-evolving fields.

Check the official ICFMPM Conference 2023 website or watch out for event organizers’ announcements for the most up-to-date information, including dates, schedules, and the venue.

Why Prague?

Prague is an enthralling city that caters to a wide range of interests. With its captivating history, vibrant culture, delicious cuisine, and lively nightlife, this enchanting destination has something to offer to every visitor.

Additionally, Prague, the enchanting capital city of the Czech Republic, boasts a history entwined with scientific achievements and cultural contributions. From the pioneering works of Johannes Kepler and Tycho Brahe in astronomy to the mathematical contributions of Bernard Bolzano, Prague’s scientific heritage has left an indelible mark on the world of physics and mathematics. Hosting the ICFMPM adds to the city’s legacy of promoting intellectual exchange and advancing scientific understanding.

Where to stay when you attend the CFMPM Conference 2024

Top High-range Hotels near the CFMPM Conference 2024

Mid-range accommodation close to the CFMPM Conference 2024

Budget-friendly stays near the CFMPM Conference 2024

While in Prague…

Check out the city’s best attractions:

Prague Castle

Charles Bridge

Old Town Square


Dancing House

Lesser Town

Museum of Communism

Evening Cruise

Drink and dine like a local near the CFMPM Conference 2024

  • Pivovarský Dům
  • U Zlatého Tygra
  • Hospoda U Supa
  • Pivnice U Černého Vola
  • Nota Bene Bar

Important things to keep in mind when you attend the CFMPM Conference 2024

Moving around

Prague offers several convenient transportation options to explore its beautiful attractions.

By foot

Prague is a great city to explore on foot. The streets are pedestrian-friendly and many of the major sights are within walking distance of each other. You can take a leisurely stroll and soak up the city’s charm, or visit multiple tourist spots in one day. So, put on your walking shoes and get ready for a delightful exploration of Prague!

By metro

Prague’s public transportation is a great way to get around the city. It is efficient, affordable, and easy to use. The metro is a fast way to travel between major destinations, while the trams and buses can take you to more local areas. You can even get a glimpse of the authentic Prague beyond the tourist traps.

Click here to discover all available ticket options and fairs.

Be aware of your belongings

Here are some tips to help you stay safe from pickpockets in Prague:

  • Wear your bag in front of you, not on your back. This makes it more difficult for pickpockets to reach into your bag without you noticing.
  • Avoid keeping valuables in your back pockets. Pickpockets can easily reach into your back pockets and steal your belongings without you realizing it.
  • Opt for purses and bags with zippers, as they offer better protection. This will make it more difficult for pickpockets to open your bag and steal your belongings.
  • Be cautious if strangers get too close, bump into you, or try to distract you. These could be pickpocketing tactics.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings and be aware of your belongings. If you see someone acting suspiciously, move away and keep your belongings close to you.

Final thoughts

While Prague offers an array of attractions and activities, the temptation to explore everything can be compelling. Nevertheless, we highly recommend leaving some time unplanned, as it can enrich your overall city experience.

Embracing spontaneity enables you to be open to new possibilities and follow your curiosity wherever it may take you. You may come across charming bars, uncover unique shops, or simply enjoy the lively street ambiance while sitting on a bench. By immersing yourself in the city’s daily rhythm, you’ll develop a deep appreciation for its culture and distinctive charm.

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