Experience your journey serenely by mastering Prague’s public transit

Prague's public transit

Learning how to navigate Prague’s public transit system is the key to experiencing the city’s rich tapestry firsthand, as it provides easy access to the city’s many attractions without sacrificing the authenticity of local life or the vitality of this magical metropolis.

Charm and efficiency come together flawlessly in Prague’s public transit system. Connecting local communities, cultural centers, and landmarks is a breeze thanks to the city’s extensive network of trams and metro lines. 

Travelers can effortlessly traverse and see the many features of Prague by downloading our Prague ebook and mastering this network of transportation, which is an invisible thread that runs through the city’s structure.

Prague railway station
Prague railway station

The magical streets and cultural jewels of Prague, a city decorated with architectural magnificence and historical relics, invite visitors to come and discover them. Prague’s public transit with the help of a detailed public transportation map makes getting about this fascinating city a breeze. 

The Prague public transit map makes getting about the city a pleasure. Not only does it show you how to get around town efficiently, but it also tells the story of the city through pictures. The public transit map becomes a reliable travel companion, helping every tourist to navigate Prague with comfort and tranquility, whether they are discovering the historic splendor of Old Town or heading into the creative enclave of Žižkov.

Uncover the Rhythm: Essential Public Transit Hours in Prague

The public transportation system in Prague is vast and is considered to be among the most efficient and trustworthy in all of Europe. The convenience of public transportation and the Prague public transit hours allows you to easily and swiftly access any part of the city, no matter how far away it may be.

Transportation options in Prague include: 


You can find transfer nodes at the stations Můstek (A, B), Muzeum (A, C), and Florenc (B, C).

Time Intervals: Traveling across Prague on the metro from one end to the other typically takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes. There is a 20-minute break between Saturday and Sunday and between 

Friday and Saturday night, an interval of 2–4 minutes during peak hours, and an interval of no more than 10 minutes during off-peak hours.


As a form of  Prague’s public transit, trams are dependable and easy to use.

Time Intervals: They run every 8 to 10 minutes during rush hour, every 10 to 20 minutes during off-peak hours, and every 30 minutes during night connections.

Tram lines 9, 17, and 22 all run at half-hour intervals, with peak hours being 4 minutes and off-peak hours being 5-10 minutes.


Every door on the bus allows passengers to board and exit.

Time intervals: 6-8 minutes during peak hours, 15-30 minutes during off-peak hours, and 30-60 minutes during night operation.

Your Key to Convenience: Choosing the Perfect Prague Public Transit Pass

A Prague public transit pass lets tourists utilize public transportation inexpensively and conveniently without buying individual tickets.Visit Prague with the Prague Visitor Pass and get unlimited public transportation. Explore Prague’s top sights, including the Astronomical Clock (priority lane), Prague Castle, and Petřin Funicular.


  • Enjoy Prague’s old-world charm, intrigue, and beauty.
  • Enjoy unlimited transit, including airport transfers.
  • Visit Prague’s museums, galleries, and historic landmarks.
  • Enjoy city tours and Vltava River cruises.
  • Save both cash and time at museums and attractions and explore hassle-free.


  • Access over 70 Prague experiences 
  • Public transit
  • Airport Express (roundtrip)
  • Discounts on excursions and attractions
  • Electronic guide
  • City map and river cruise
  • Starting at €89 per person.

From Runway to Reality: Seamless Transit from Prague Airport to the City

Arriving at Václav Havel Airport Prague is the starting point for exploring a city that blends history and contemporary. Here’s how to easily get from Prague Airport to the city’s dynamic reality. Public transit from Prague airport options include:

  • Airport Express Bus (AE)
  • Taxi Services
  • Car Rental Services
  • Public Bus Lines
  • Ride-Sharing Apps
  • Hotel Shuttle Services
  • Limousine Services
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