Your Guide to Accommodation Near the ICSWR Conference 2024

Social work ICSWR Conference

Considering a trip to participate in the International Conference on Social Work and Research (ICSWR) on the 25th of 2023? Scholars, researchers, and working professionals: prepare to make connections, broaden your horizons, and share your work. The International Social Work and Research Conference is almost here!

Here, we provide our top recommendations for accommodation in Prague, suitable for all budgets, along with other helpful tips to help you make the most of your stay in this bewitching city.

About the ICSWR Conference 2024

The international conference on social work and research is held in Prague. It aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and scholars to share their knowledge, present research findings, discuss emerging trends, and engage in meaningful discussions related to social work practice and research.

To obtain accurate and up-to-date information about the International Conference on Social Work and Research (ICSWR) in Prague in 2023, we recommend looking at the official website of the conference.

Why Prague?

No matter what your interests are or why you’re visiting Prague, this city will leave a lasting impression on you. It’s the perfect place to create memories that will last a lifetime.

Prague is home to renowned universities, research institutions, and academic centers of excellence. The international conference on social work and research to be held in Prague will attract leading experts and scholars who present their latest research findings and share valuable insights.

River Prague
River Prague

Where to stay when you attend the ICSWR Conference 2024

Top High-range Hotels near the ICSWR Conference 2024

Mid-range accommodation close to the ICSWR Conference 2024

Budget-friendly stays near the ICSWR Conference 2024

While in Prague…

Check out the city’s best attractions:

Prague Castle

Charles Bridge

Old Town Square


Dancing House

Lesser Town

Museum of Communism

Evening Cruise

Drink and dine like a local near the ICSWR Conference 2024

  • Hemingway Bar
  • BeerGeek Bar
  • U Sudu
  • Vinohradský Pivovar
  • T-Anker
  • Restaurace Mlejnice

Important things to keep in mind when you attend the ICSWR Conference 2024

Moving around

There are two main ways to get around Prague: by walking and by using the public transportation system.

Getting around Prague

By foot

Walking is a great way to see all that Prague has to offer. Many of the city’s top tourist attractions are within walking distance of each other, so lace up your walking shoes and explore!

By metro

Prague’s public transportation system is efficient, affordable, and easy to use. The metro system is a great option for getting around the city quickly, while the trams and buses are a good way to explore the more local neighborhoods.

Click here to discover all available ticket options and fairs.

Be aware of your belongings

When using public transportation in Prague, it is important to be aware of your belongings. Pickpocketing is not uncommon, so it is a good idea to keep your valuables close to you.

Here are some tips to keep your belongings safe from pickpockets:

  • Wear your bag in front of you. This will make it more difficult for pickpockets to reach your belongings.
  • Don’t carry valuables in your back pockets. This is a prime target for pickpockets.
  • Avoid wearing purses or bags with no zippers. Pickpockets can easily unzip these bags and take your belongings without you noticing.
  • If someone walks up very close to you, bumps into you, or tries to distract you, keep a tight grip on your belongings. These are common tactics used by pickpockets to distract their victims.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings. Pickpockets often target distracted people. If you stay alert, you’ll be safe and avoid any inconvenience.

Final thoughts

Prague is a city with a lot to offer, and it can be tempting to try to see and do everything. However, we believe that one of the best ways to experience the city is to leave some of your time unplanned.

This means going with the flow and letting your curiosity lead you where it may. You might step into a bar that catches your eye, explore a shop that you’ve never been to before, or simply sit on a bench and people-watch. By taking the time to simply experience the city’s everyday life, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of its culture and character.

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